Vereign Seal X-Mas Primer & Request for Help

Holiday Season… what better time to dive into new, exciting things?

How about a new technical approach to secure email using blockchain that promises to connect billions of users at the largest email providers in the world - Gmail and Office365 - with some of the worlds most renowned corporations, like Deutsche Bank, UBS, Swiss International Air Lines, BASF, Swisscom and many others?

We got you covered: Why not try out Vereign Seal?

New to Vereign Seal?

When Email marries the Blockchain is a 3 minute introduction, and Proof Positive Scam Detection is a 5 minute comparison of the differences between SPF, DKIM, DMARC and Vereign Seal.


  • Vereign Seal binds a digital seal in form of a Quick Authenticity Response (QAR) code to your Email messages;
  • the seal is encoded locally, on your device or browser, using strong cryptography;
  • together with sent and received stati, this seal is secured against the æternity blockchain.
  • Each message is therefore secured Peer to Peer (P2P) and independently verifiable in a decentralised way.
  • This can be expected to provide a much higher level of court recognised evidential value for email than traditional registered mail, or modern electronic signatures, as this approach does not require to trust any third parties or intermediaries.
  • It gives the sender a privacy friendly way of sharing proof of sending (and delivery, for participating recipients) and easy way of protecting reputation against impersonation.
  • It gives the recipient a robust way of verifying email and its contents securely and to protect themselves against phishing.
  • It gives companies an essential element of revision security, which is a mandatory compliance requirement, at no additional cost and without additional systems.
  • It allows anyone to build value added use cases on top of email.

How to use Vereign Seal

  • Outlook / Office365: Install Vereign for Outlook directly from Microsoft AppSource (if you need instructions, please see here)
  • Gmail: Google is currently reviewing the Add-Ins and a security audit is ongoing. The Add-Ins are expected to become available in January 2021, latest. If you cannot wait you can use Vereign for Outlook (above) in and connect your Gmail Account to
  • Totemo Customers: Vereign Seal is the underlying protocol and technology for the recently announced totemomail Verified. You should expect the functionality to become available in January 2021 as part of an update of your totemo gateway. Please contact your totemo customer contact directly for more information and availability.
  • Other Providers: We’re currently in conversation with other mail platforms and gateway providers, offering them to join the network of blockchain secured email. If your provider is not on the list above, please contact them directly and ask them to get in touch with us. Meanwhile you could also try it out via Vereign for Outlook (above) by connecting your email account to

How to provide feedback

Vereign Seal is a new product, and Vereign for Outlook is the first published version of the add-in. So we expect that not everything is going to be perfect just yet. In order to learn how you’re getting along with it and what to improve, we need your help.

Please try out Vereign Seal in any way possible, and then tell us about it here in the forum, on our Telegram channel, or in social media. We would like to learn how Vereign Seal is (hopefully) working for you already, or what we can do to make it better for you.

Also, please let us know which email provider we should onboard next and let them know you would like them to support Vereign Seal.

And please help us spread the word - directly, and by using Vereign Seal for each mail you send.

All of us at Vereign wish all of you much health, happiness and success for 2021!