How do I add a mobile device?

You can add a new mobile device to use it with your Vereign email account.

  1. After you log in, locate the phone icon in the upper right corner.

  2. Click on the + icon bottom located on the right corner on your desktop browser. The QR code will appear.

  3. Go to the mobile device you want to add and open from a mobile browser.

  4. Select Access account > Continue.

  5. Click the Upload QR code image.


    If you’re using iPhone, it will ask you for permission to access your camera. Click Allow.
    Note: You might be asked twice. If this happens, confirm the camera access action by tapping Allow twice.

    You are present with a screen that holds a QR code.

  6. Scan the QR code with your mobile device.

You are automatically logged in to Vereign with your newly added mobile device.